Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Protect your right to ethical medical treatment in Canada.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Conscience rights for physicians are being challenged in Ontario and Saskatchewan. Conscience rights provide choice in healthcare for people who oppose patient killing.

If you live in Ontario you need to send a message to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). 
  • State that Physicians need to uphold their promise to "Do No Harm."
  • State that if euthanasia or assisted suicide is legalized that physicians must maintain their right of conscience to refuse to participate in any way.
  • Emphasize that you would not feel safe if your physician participates in euthanasia or assisted suicide.
  • Talking points, a link to some excellent articles.
The (CPSO), is asking for feedback, before February 20, on its draft policy on end-of-life care. Titled: “Planning for and Providing Quality of End-of-Life Care.

You need to respond. The (CPSO) has made it easy to provide feedback before February 20. You can make comments in the following ways:
  • Post to the CPSO's end-of-life care discussion forum;
  • Send an email to;
  • Fill out an online survey (there are text boxes in which you can explain your responses);
  • Send a letter to: (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 80 College St., Toronto, Ont., M5G 2E2).
If you live in Saskatchewan the College of Physician and Surgeons of Saskatchewan are seeking your feedback on the Policy - Conscientious Refusal before March 6, 2015

If euthanasia or assisted suicide is decriminalized you will need a physicians who refuses to cause the death of patients. 
  • State that Physicians need to uphold their promise to "Do No Harm."
  • State that if euthanasia or assisted suicide is legalized that physicians must maintain their right of conscience to refuse to participate in any way.
  • Emphasize that you would not feel safe if your physician participates in euthanasia or assisted suicide.
  • Talking points, a link to some excellent articles.
Send your comments to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan before March 6. Further information.
  • Send an email to
  • Send a letter to: (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan
  • 500 - 321A-21st Street E. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0C1).
Silence benefits the euthanasia lobby. Keep your comments straight forward.


  1. The Life of a human being, as we know it, if from from the moment of conception to the moment that the All Loving God who created us, calls us home and we die as per, and only, as per His divine plan.

  2. Dear Sir to all Evil has no concience.

  3. To Bernie Parent:

  4. One cannot take what one cannot give as only God is the giver of life and only God has the right to take it.Woe to any man or women be it doctor or otherwise who dares to take a human life.For if not repent he will spend his eternity in hell fires and brimstone.

  5. Whether someone believes in God or not, the fact is that denying a physician the right of conscience denies people who are opposed to euthanasia and assisted suicide, the right of having a physician who they can trust.

    I would not want to have a physician who suggests that ending my life is a good idea, when I am dealing with difficult circumstances.

  6. It is truly disturbing that physicians should be forced to go against their consciences. This is leading toward a grave betrayal of very important human right.

  7. I am opposed to Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. I do not want a doctor who believes in this practice to treat me or any of my loved ones. Doctors should be allowed to refuse to ever offer such a method to end ones life. Proper care and pain management to alleviate suffering and staff should all be offered to accompany a dying person.
